Privacy Policy

Last Revised: July 24, 2023

Welcome to the WineCountry. WineCountry Media, LLC provides website content, 当您在我们的网站(包括任何相关或后续网站)或通过我们的移动应用程序访问或购物时,提供功能和其他产品和服务.

我们尊重您的隐私,并意识到信任是我们与您关系的基础. 本隐私政策描述了我们通过您使用本平台收集的有关您的个人信息及其使用方式.

使用本平台即表示您同意本隐私政策的条款. 通过访问和使用我们的平台(包括通过平台提供信息), you expressly consent to WCM and our service providers collecting, 根据本隐私政策使用和披露您的个人信息(定义见下文). 如果您不同意本隐私政策中所述的惯例, 请不要向我们提供您的个人信息或以其他方式使用平台或与平台互动.

Defined Terms.

Throughout this Privacy Policy, we’ll refer to WineCountry Media, LLC as “WCM,” “we”, “us” or “our”; the websites described above as the “Websites”; and the Websites together with our mobile application as the “Platform”. We’ll refer to this privacy policy as the “Privacy Policy”. 我们在本隐私政策中使用了一些未在本隐私政策中定义的大写词语-这些术语在服务条款中定义,并且在本隐私政策中使用时具有相同的含义.

Changes to this Privacy Policy.

WCM may update this Privacy Policy from time to time. 本隐私政策顶部的日期为本隐私政策最后修改的日期. We may modify this Privacy Policy at any time. 如果我们这样做,我们将更新本隐私政策顶部显示的最后修订日期.


  • What are cookies? “cookie”是由网站发送的存储在您设备上的小文件, mobile apps, and advertisements that you access. 这些小文件存储在你的设备上,以记住你的偏好,以改善你的浏览体验.
  • The Importance of Cookies Cookies are important because parts of the site rely on them to work correctly; limiting their use or other similar technologies might affect the functionality of the website.
  • How can I manage cookies? By changing the preferences or options of your web browser, you can instruct it to accept all cookies, block certain cookies, require your permission before placing a cookie on your computer, or block all cookies from being placed on your computer. However, please note that if you block cookies from the Platform, 您可能无法使用我们在本平台上提供的所有功能. Click here for more information –!/

Children: 我们的平台面向18岁以上的用户,不针对儿童. We do not knowingly collect personal information from children. 如果我们发现我们收集了13岁以下儿童的个人信息(根据《e世博线上注册》的定义), 16岁以下儿童的个人数据(根据欧盟《e世博线上注册》的定义), we will use reasonable efforts to promptly delete such.

“Do Not Track” Signals: Certain web browsers have “Do Not Track” or similar settings, 哪一个允许你告诉你访问的网站,你不希望你在这些网站上的活动被跟踪. Currently, the Platform does not respond to “Do Not Track” or similar settings, 因此,无论您的浏览器设置如何,您在平台上的活动都可能被跟踪.

What personal data do we collect? The categories of personal data (“Personal Data"),我们在“平台”上或通过“平台”收集的信息会根据您与“平台”的互动程度而有所不同, specifically:

  • When you visit the platform:

    我们的网站使用第三方服务将浏览器cookie与您的邮寄地址相匹配. 然后,我们使用另一家公司代表我们通过邮件发送特别优惠. 本公司从未接收或存储任何此类信息,我们的第三方也不会向任何其他公司或服务提供或出售此类信息.

    要选择不接收我们的直接邮件,您可以发送电子邮件至, call us at 707-260-0736, or send a written request to 14301 Arnold Drive #30, Glen Ellen, California 95442. We will honor those requests, 但请理解,这类邮件可能需要7-10天才能结束.

    We also use Google Analytics which collects information about you, 特别是为了了解您和其他用户如何使用我们的平台(e).g., how many unique users have visited the Platform, what websites they’ve visited, and how long they’ve stayed).

  • Subscribing to Our Newsletter: When you subscribe to our newsletter, which provides information regarding our current offerings, promotions and upcoming items of interest, we collect your email address. 我们使用这些信息来满足您的通讯订阅请求.
  • Registering for an Account: 当您在本网站注册帐户时,我们也会收集您的电子邮件地址. We use this information to be able to provide you with the account.
  • Social Media Features:如果您使用我们在平台中包含的社交媒体功能, such as Facebook “like” buttons and certain widgets, such as a “share” button, such features may set a cookie, collect your IP address, or use other identifiers to enable them. 您对这些功能的使用遵循提供这些功能的公司的隐私政策, such as Google or Facebook.
  • 购买产品,预订体验,或购买贪图通行证.
    • Product Purchase or Reserving Experience. 当您通过平台购买产品(购买体验或Covet Pass除外)或通过平台预订体验时, 我们的第三方支付处理机构(见下文)向您收集以下数据:
      1. Your full name;
      2. Your mailing address;
      3. Your email address;
      4. Your telephone number;
      5. Your credit card information (e.g., type of credit card, credit card number, name, expiration date, and CVV or similar code, as needed); and
      6. Your billing address.

      We do not see any of this information until after a purchase is made, 什么时候我们的支付处理程序与我们分享上述1-4项中描述的信息, 加上您使用的信用卡类型(我们不会看到您的其他信用卡信息), nor your billing address).

  • Covet Pass Purchase. 当您通过平台注册Covet Pass时,我们会收集以下个人数据:
    1. Your full name;
    2. Your birthday;
    3. Your email address;
    4. Your mailing address;
    5. Your phone number (if you choose to provide it to us);
    6. Your credit card information; and
    7. Your billing address.

    We see all of this information except for item #6, which is provided directly to our payment processor.

How will we use your personal data? We will use the personal data we collect as follows:

  • To Process Your Transactions:我们使用并共享您提供给我们的个人数据来处理您购买的产品和订购的体验, and to provide those products and experiences to you. For instance, if you purchase a Covet Pass, 我们可能会分享您的个人资料,以确认您是否有资格在指定酒庄兑换品酒.
  • To Update You About Us: 我们使用您提供给我们的个人数据让您知道我们正在做什么,并通知您可能提供给您的机会. 例如,如果您向我们提供您的电子邮件地址,我们可能会以该地址向您发送电子邮件. 我们也可能将该电子邮件地址提供给帮助我们进行电子邮件通信的第三方供应商, for the purpose of helping us send such email to you. If you click on a link in an email we send, 我们可能会选择将您重定向到第三方供应商的服务器以注册该链接, 您点击该链接可能会向第三方供应商和/或我们表明您已点击该链接以访问所链接的网站.
  • To Understand Our Customers: We use the data we collect, in aggregated form, to understand the demographics of our customer base For Covet Pass, 本公司与您可能兑换了品酒券的酒庄可彼此分享您的姓名,以确认(a)您的“贪图通行证”的有效性,以及(b)是否购买了与该品酒券相关的任何葡萄酒.
  • To Improve Your Experience: We also use the personal data we collect to improve the Services, to administer your use of t he Services (including your account, if you have registered for one), to provide you with more relevant and desirable experiences, 向您提供有关平台和服务的信息和建议, and to enable you to easily browse, offer (as applicable), and purchase experiences.
  • Third Parties: 我们不会将您的个人资料出售或出租给任何第三方,例如营销商.We do, however, 与我们信任的就平台和服务向我们提供服务的第三方共享您的个人数据, such as payment processors, credit bureaus, banks, verification services, companies that store our data on our behalf (e.g., on servers in data centers managed by a third parties), and other companies that provide services to us. 我们还将您的个人数据提供给通过平台向您提供体验的供应商, as further described in the Terms of Service. 我们要求这些第三方仅在提供我们委托他们提供的服务所需的范围内使用和披露您的个人数据. We require that, whether due to restrictions imposed by applicable law, participation in a common framework (e.g., PrivacyShield) or our contractual relationships, 这些第三方实施和维持适当的安全措施,以保护您的个人资料免遭未经授权的访问或披露.

    Third parties, including Facebook, may use cookies, web beacons, 以及其他存储技术,通过本平台和互联网上的其他地方收集或接收有关您的信息,并使用该信息提供测量服务和目标广告. For example, the Platform uses the Pixel service provided by Facebook, 允许我们跟踪用户在点击平台链接后所采取的行动. Although we see only aggregate statistical information about you, individually identifiable information is sent to, processed by, and saved by Facebook as part of such service. 您可以选择不收集和使用Pixel和其他类似工具通过访问以下网站生成的数据进行广告定位 并使用这些网站允许的程序选择退出广告定位.
  • Exceptions: In addition to the above, in certain circumstances, 我们可能会出于以下目的使用和披露我们收集的信息:
    • To respond to your requests to us for information;
    • To provide the Platform and Services to you, including to process, bill, and (if applicable) ship any of your purchases;
    • 遵守适用的法律、法院命令、传票或其他法律程序;
    • To help WCM, our affiliates, 和供应商建立或行使合法权利或抗辩法律索赔;
    • 就平台或服务的任何部分侵犯第三方权利的任何索赔作出回应;
    • To investigate, prevent, or take action with regard to illegal activity, suspected fraud, potential threat to the physical safety of any individual, violations of the Terms of Service, or as otherwise required by law;
    • 就任何可能使WCM或其关联公司承担责任的情况进行调查或采取行动;
    • To otherwise protect the rights of WCM, its affiliates, its users, and the public; and
    • If WCM or any of its affiliates undergoes a sale, merger, reorganization, or other change of control, in which case we may release your information to the other company.

How do we store your data? We securely store your data at various sites worldwide, 包括在没有相应法律保护您个人资料的司法管辖区. However, in all events, 我们采取预防措施,以确保您的个人资料得到安全保管,并仅用于本隐私政策中所述的目的, 包括通过与适用供应商的合同条款. 如果您担心我们使用第三方供应商来处理个人数据,或者您想了解有关这些供应商的任何进一步信息, please contact us (see below). 我们使用合理且符合行业标准的安全措施来保护您的个人数据. However, as stated in our Terms of Service, 请注意,没有任何传输或存储信息的方法可以完全避免未经授权的访问, use, or disclosure. 因此,我们不能保证您提供给我们的任何信息的绝对安全.

How long do we keep your personal data? 只要我们有合法的业务需要,我们就会保存我们从您那里收集的个人数据(e).g., to complete transactions for you, to comply with applicable legal, tax, accounting or other regulatory requirements, or as may be needed with respect to pending litigation). After such time as we no longer have such business need, we will anonymize it or delete it from our systems. 如果您对我们保留您的个人资料有任何疑问, please contact us using the contact information noted below.

Marketing: 我们希望向您发送我们认为您可能会喜欢的产品和服务的信息. 如果您已同意接受营销,您可以随时选择在以后的日期退出. 您有权在任何时候阻止WCM出于营销目的与您联系. If you no longer wish to be contacted for marketing purposes, please contact us at the email address below.

What are your data protection rights? 我们希望确保您充分了解您的所有数据保护权利. Every user is entitled to the following:

  • The right to access您有权要求我们向您提供您的个人资料副本. We may charge you a small fee for this service.
  • The right to rectification: 如果您认为我们所拥有的任何个人资料不准确或不完整, you have the right to request that we correct such personal data.
  • The right to erasure: 在某些情况下,您有权要求我们删除您的个人数据.
  • The right to restrict processing: 您有权要求我们限制处理您的个人资料, under certain conditions.
  • The right to object to processing: 在某些情况下,您有权反对我们处理您的个人数据.
  • The right to data portability: 您有权要求我们将您的个人资料转移给其他机构, or directly to you, under certain conditions.

如果您想提出上述任何要求,请通过以下电子邮件地址与我们联系. We will endeavor to respond to you within one month of your request.

Privacy policies of other websites: This Privacy Policy only covers our Platform, and not any other websites (such as social media sites). If you click a link on the Platform to navigate to another website, or otherwise visit another website, please be sure to read carefully the privacy policy for that website. 我们无法控制任何此类第三方网站,因此对除本平台以外的任何网站的隐私惯例概不负责.

How to contact us: If you have any questions or concerns regarding this Privacy Policy, the personal data we hold on you, of if you would like to exercise one of your data protection rights, please contact us via email at Please note that inquiries regarding any other topics, such as technical support requests, will not receive a response through this process.

How to contact the appropriate authorities: 如果您是欧洲经济区(EEA)的居民,并且认为您的个人数据受《e世博线上注册》(GDPR)的约束, 您可以联系您当地的监管机构或信息专员办公室.