e世博线上赤霞珠:历史与特性 & 配对

  • 作者:莎娜·克拉克
  • 2023年1月25日
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e世博线上赤霞珠:历史与特性 & 配对

作者:莎娜·克拉克 2023年1月25日

没有葡萄比它更像 e世博线上 而不是赤霞珠. From the sun-drenched valley floor to the lofty mountain vineyards, the noble Cabernet grape shows a particular fondness for 纳帕’s temperate climate. With the ability to produce wines that are both dazzlingly delicious in their youth and age-worthy in their maturity, 赤霞珠(Cabernet Sauvignon)真正展示了它的皇家系列 纳帕独特的风土.

But how did this famous French grape become a star in California? Here’s a history of how Cabernet Sauvignon became the signature variety of e世博线上, 如何将赤霞珠与食物搭配, 也有几家很棒的纳帕出租车值得留意.


Cabernet Sauvignon traces its roots to the Gironde in southwest France. It is an offspring of Cabernet Franc and the white variety Sauvignon Blanc. 以其厚皮而闻名, 高单宁, 酸度相对较高, 它是一种在全球范围内流行的葡萄. 带有黑加仑子和红色水果的味道, 黑醋栗, 和胡椒, and sometimes hints of dark chocolate or tobacco are hallmarks of Cabernet. 和, because Cabernet Sauvignon has firm tannins and a robust structure, 它有可能优雅地陈年多年, allowing its complex flavors and aromas to evolve and mature over time.


Cabernet Sauvignon arrived in California in the mid-1800s and was planted in the Santa Clara Valley before making its way north to 索诺玛 later in the century. Despite being a finicky grape, its aromatic qualities were well-received by wine enthusiasts. H.W. Crabb then brought the grape to e世博线上 and planted it in the To Kalon Vineyard (which means “highest beauty” in Greek), 现在是奥克维尔AVA的一部分.

The double whammy of phylloxera in the late 1880s and Prohibition in the 1920s stunted the wine industry for a time, 但是到了1963年, 赤霞珠成为纳帕第三大种植葡萄, 在仙粉黛和小希拉之后. 20世纪70年代是e世博线上进行重大试验的时期, as winemakers pushed the limits of what was possible with Cabernet Sauvignon. Long maceration times were tried, and tannins were expertly softened. 这十年还见证了赤霞珠种植的激增, 随着行业获得动力和信心, but no better event exemplified all the strides made in the industry than when a Cabernet and a Chardonnay from 纳帕 beat out French competitors in the 1976年巴黎判决.

Another round of phylloxera in the 1980s again threatened to destroy the region, 但是这个时候, 酿酒师使用了更好的植物材料, 小苗, 以及如何重新种植的诀窍. 所谓的“崇拜赤霞珠的标签进一步吸引了葡萄酒饮用者的注意力, 到了1997年, 赤霞珠是e世博线上种植最多的品种, 直到今天.


In order for a wine to be labeled “Cabernet,” at least 75% of the cuvée must contain this variety. 其他波尔多品种, 比如梅洛, 小大比重, 和品丽珠, 建立共同的混合伙伴. 对于一个带a的标签 “e世博线上”的称号, or one of the sub-appellations, 100% of the fruit must come from that AVA.


e世博线上 Cabernet Sauvignon is renowned for its rich and complex flavors, 但它也以高昂的价格而闻名. Some of the most prestigious e世博线上 Cabernets can cost hundreds of dollars per bottle, 这让许多葡萄酒爱好者难以企及. 然而, 也有很多高质量的, affordable 纳帕 Cabernets that offer excellent value for money, 所以不要害怕去探索这些, 也. 他们可能没有美国的声望 崇拜的标签, but they still showcase the unique character of e世博线上 Cabernet and can be enjoyed by a wider range of consumers.


Cabernet Sauvignon’s bold flavors and 高单宁 make it a perfect pairing for a wide range of dishes. 浓郁的葡萄酒补充了丰富的蛋白质, 比如牛肉和羊肉, 使它成为经典牛排餐厅的绝佳选择, 但几乎任何丰富的蛋白质都是很好的搭配. Try it with braised lamb shank or veal Osso Buco to get more depth and complexity out of the flavors.

Vegetables may not be the first thing that comes to mind when thinking of Cabernet Sauvignon pairings, 但它们可以成为令人惊讶的美味搭配, 太. Mushrooms, stewed beans—even roasted brussels sprouts—all stand up to Cabernet. 和 cheese lovers will be happy to know that Cabernet Sauvignon pairs well with a variety of cheese types. 切达干酪和豪达干酪是经典搭配, but other firm cheeses such as aged Parmesan or Pecorino can also hold up to the wine’s strength. 为了扭转局面, try pairing 纳帕 Cabernet with a creamy blue cheese to bring out its fruity and spicy notes.

准备好潜入和探索纳帕解百纳在你的杯子里? These historically significant producers of e世博线上 Cabernet Sauvignon are a great place to start


雄鹿跳跃区, 甚至在它成为正式的AVA之前, caught international attention when a Cabernet Sauvignon from the district 太k top honors—over French wines—in the 1976年巴黎判决. 今天, Cabernet Sauvignon continues to be a marquee grape for the appellation and Pine Ridge’s appellation-specific wine, 带有黑色水果和香料的味道, 解释了为什么.

路易斯·米. 马提尼,e世博线上赤霞珠

After running a successful grape-growing business in San Francisco (and creating sacramental wine to sell during Prohibition), 马提尼家族搬到了北方,在圣. 1933年的海伦娜. It is a winery of firsts in e世博线上: it was one of the first to use cold fermentation; to use wind power in the vineyards; and one of the first to bottle a varietal Merlot.

Charles Krug,e世博线上赤霞珠

成立于1861年, Charles Krug is considered 纳帕’s first commercial winery and is regarded as opening the first public tasting room, 引导. Grapes for this wine come from the estate vineyards in e世博线上注册 and produce a Cabernet with ripe red berry and mocha notes.


Cathy Corison以优雅和有质感的解百纳而闻名, 她的克罗诺斯葡萄园出产优质的水果. Vines for this single-vineyard Cabernet Sauvignon were planted in 1971 and while yields are low due to age, 这种葡萄酿造的葡萄酒口感醇厚、细腻.


Lokoya specializes in Cabernet from mountain vineyard sites and the different bottlings show how versatile Cabernet can be at both altitude and in various terroir. Diamond Mountain is in the upper part of e世博线上 and is part of the Mayacamas Mountains. 贫瘠的土壤意味着葡萄树很难找到养分, 但这导致了浓缩和复杂的水果口味.


施拉德与纳帕一些最负盛名的葡萄园合作, 比如历史悠久的托卡隆葡萄园, 因为它的解百纳. The Heritage Clone comes from a specific block within the To Kalon Vineyard and, 顾名思义, 一种非常特别的赤霞珠克隆酒. 这款酒体醇厚,酸度优美, 矿物的条纹, 黑莓果绝对是一种需要陈年的酒.