The Best Kid-Friendly Wineries in 纳帕 Valley

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  • on MAY 29, 2024
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The Best Kid-Friendly Wineries in 纳帕 Valley

By Daisy Barringer May 29, 2024

Wine tasting is decidedly a very adult thing to do in that, 好吧, legally you have to be an adult to do it. However, despite the age requirement, there are a few 纳帕 Valley 酿酒厂了解一些家庭喜欢一起在葡萄酒之乡旅行,因此很乐意为孩子们提供住宿.

继续往下读,看看纳帕最好的家庭友好型酒庄,在那里你和你的孩子将度过一段美好的时光, 你还可以把省下来的保姆费全部花在买一箱葡萄酒上,然后带回家享用.

Photos courtesy of Inglenook

Inglenook is a majestically beautiful 酒庄 with a long standing winemaking heritage in 纳帕, 对于想要体验葡萄酒之乡历史的人来说,这里是必去的目的地. 12岁及以上的儿童可以参加遗产品鉴会和Inglenook图书馆之旅和品鉴会, which includes a tour of the chateau and vineyards, 最后在一个私人房间里坐着品尝葡萄酒和奶酪. 对于一个真正的家庭友好的经验,跳过赞成一个更随意的选择在小酒馆. 在那里, 你可以在外面的院子里用餐,用玻璃杯或瓶子喝葡萄酒, as 好吧 as soft drinks, 咖啡, bistro bites, 奶酪, and charcuterie. While the adults sip and chat, 孩子们可以借木帆船在院子的喷泉里航行, a la the Luxembourg Gardens in Paris, which the Inglenook gardens were inspired by.

1991 St. Helena Highway, Rutherford, CA 94573, (707) 968-1179

Sterling Vineyards
Offering some of the best views of 纳帕 Valley. Photo courtesy of Sterling Vineyards

这是到达这座希腊风格的酒庄的唯一途径,它坐落在300英尺高的山顶上 Calistoga is via an aerial tram ride, 哪一个几乎和游乐园里的任何游乐设施一样令人兴奋(而且肯定更出乎意料). Families with little ones can choose from two experiences at Sterling Vineyards: the Terrace Tasting and the Sterling Sip & 漫步. 露台品尝为客人提供了一个自我指导的三种葡萄酒的采样,因为他们漫步在一个盛大的结局坐在品尝两种葡萄酒搭配奶酪板. For those looking to stretch their legs, the Sterling Sip & 漫步 is also a self-guided, leisurely experience, 也就是说你可以按照自己的节奏走,这样就不会有人感到不安了, and while the adults are tasting, 孩子们可以期待再次乘坐贡多拉下山的刺激. 从这个山顶庄园的露台上可以看到卡利斯托加的景色,这也是一张值得拍照的家庭照片的完美背景.

111 W Dunaweal Lane, Calistoga, CA 94515, (800) 726-6136

Photos courtesy of 纳帕 Cellars

沿着标志性的29号公路,这里有40多年的酿酒历史, 纳帕 Cellars 它将传统与悠闲的氛围无缝地融合在一起,而且碰巧对孩子们很友好. The kids will love the expansive gardens, and while adults relish in curated wine tastings, 每个人都可以享受玉米洞游戏或野餐——要么从家里带来,要么从当地的奶酪和小吃中挑选. Plus, for families with furry members, this is such a dog-friendly 酒庄 他们会铺上红地毯,推出一个特别的“娇惯的狗”套餐. It all makes for a delightful blend of wine and family fun!

7481 St. Helena Highway South, Oakville, CA 94562, (707) 944-2565

Beringer Vineyards
让孩子们探索和漫步在贝灵哲令人惊叹的场地. Photo Courtesy of Beringer Vineyards

Adults love visiting Beringer because it’s the oldest continuously operating 酒庄 in 纳帕 Valley; kids love it because they can explore a place that’s a whopping 146 years old and roam its stunning grounds. 现在, 而贝灵杰大部分以葡萄酒为中心的冒险都是为21岁以上的俱乐部保留的, they’ve smartly created the “Sip & “漫步贝灵杰”的体验,既邀请了小孩子(哦,也邀请了皮毛宝宝). During this outdoor, self-guided walkabout, 欢迎您和您的家人在闲暇时漫步在历史悠久的纳帕庄园, while the adults get to enjoy a glass of wine along the way. 贝灵杰也欢迎孩子们参加他们的季节性现场音乐系列, which is offered on Saturdays from July through October.

2000 Main Street, St. Helena, CA 94574, (707) 257-5771

Charles Krug Winery
A treat for everyone! 奶酪和熟食板,还有周末烧木头的披萨. Photo Courtesy of Charles Krug Winery

Step foot into 纳帕 Valley’s Charles Krug 酒庄, 你不是随便走进一家酒庄,而是漫步在这个地区最古老的酒庄, having opened its doors back in 1861. 如果你正在寻找一个适合家庭的酒庄,查尔斯克鲁格是一个不错的选择. 预订庄园品尝-一个愉快的旅程,展示了他们目前最好的e世博线上葡萄酒. Though outside food isn’t an option, their 奶酪 and charcuterie boards, as 好吧 as weekend wood-fired pizzas, promise a treat for everyone in tow.

2800 Main Street, St. Helena, CA 94574, (707) 976-2229

Photos courtesy of Frog’s Leap Winery

Kids (and 被拴着的人会喜欢探索这个工作农场,在那里他们可以见到鸡, try to spot frogs in the fish pond, 漫步在美丽的花园中,既是风景又是栖息地——他们没有给它起名字 Frog’s Leap Winery for nothing! 花园酒吧是带孩子的客人的唯一选择, which is also one of the more casual tastings on offer. 在学习酿酒哲学的过程中,您将品尝到四种葡萄酒, 而非品酒师则可以欣赏花园和果园的景色.

8815 Conn Creek Road, Rutherford, CA 94573, (707) 963-4704

Bunny Foo Foo. Appreciate the beautiful art and sculptures at 大厅.

Roll up to 大厅的圣. Helena visitor hotspot, 孩子们和大人都将享受一场异想天开的盛宴, 欢迎客人的巨大的兔宝宝雕塑. 虽然这家酒厂因其备受赞誉的葡萄酒而闻名,尤其是 Cabernet, with over 35 pieces of contemporary art 还有一个供休闲的大草坪,这个历史悠久的酿酒厂有适合每个人的东西. You’ll have to be 21 to partake in most tastings and tours, 但品鉴赤霞珠的艺术是带孩子旅行的人的一个选择, 并设有四个屡获殊荣的赤霞珠(成人)旁边的葡萄园和Mayacamas山脉的看法.

401 St. Helena Highway S, St. Helena, CA 94574, (707) 967-2626

Photo Courtesy of PEJU / Katie Gallogly

Marking a long legacy as a family-owned 纳帕 Valley 酒庄, PEJU remains a top pick for wine aficionados. 家人们,请注意:60分钟的经典坐式品酒会在这里等着你们 Rutherford 酒庄 每天,不过如果你打算带孩子来,一定要提前打个电话. While adults savor five of PEJU’s signature 纳帕 Valley wines, 加上一个奶酪盘或厨师的小点心,可以确保孩子们有愉快的小零食,让他们保持注意力.

8466 St. Helena Highway, Rutherford, CA 94573, (707) 963-3600


So, now you know that 纳帕 Valley isn’t just for wine connoisseurs; it can be a destination for families too. 许多酒庄都有适合儿童的活动和设施, it can make for a memorable family getaway. 下次你想去葡萄酒之乡时,记住这也是为家庭纽带干杯!